The narando player-widget lets website visitors listen to your articles. It can be highly customized to fit your design, your content and the desired functionality.

Integrated Example


In order to set up the player-widget on your website you need to do two things. First, add the following player script inside your <body>-tag right before the body gets closed by </body>.


Second, add the following code snippet inside your <body> in which our player will be loaded.

<div class="narando" id="narando-player-container">

The player widget is displayed only for articles that have a corresponding sound file at narando. For testing purposes please enter the value for the attribute data-canonical as shown in the examples. Remove this line, as soon as your audio files are stored at narando.

Example of a full integration

<html xml:lang="en" lang="en" xmlns="">
    <!-- your head -->
    <!-- your body -->

    <!-- where our player will be loaded -->
    <div class="narando" id="narando-player-container">
      <h2>Listen to this article!</h2>

    <!-- more html code inside your body -->

    <!-- before the closing tag our script -->


You can customize the player-widget via parameters, the so called data-* attributes. This changes the behavior and styling so that the player integrates seamlessly into your website. Setting the attributes is optional but we highly recommend it. If you do not set data-* attributes, default values are set automatically, which can be found in the table below.

All parameters / data-* attributes

name default type comment
data-player-mode horizontal string further explanation below
data-fg-color e74c3c hex color code button color in player and button view
data-bg-color ffffff hex color code background color and button text color in player and button view
data-txt-color 000000 hex color code text color of the displayed duration in player and button view
data-fr-color cbcbcb hex color code frame color in player view
data-hide-speaker false boolean sets wether narrator's icon is hidden or displayed
data-narando-player-radius 5 integer radius in pixels of the players' corners
data-narando-play-button-radius-left 5 integer radius in pixels of the players' play button left corners
data-narando-play-button-radius-right 0 integer radius in pixels of the players' play button right corners
data-narando-cta-button-radius 5 integer radius in pixels of the "Play now" and "Get podcast" buttons
data-canonical string further explanation below
data-floating string further explanation below
data-hide-element #narando-player-container string further explanation below
data-narando-initial-view selection string further explanation below

Example of integrated `data-*` attributes


Special parameters

Some of the parameters from the table above need more explanation:


The data-player-mode attribute can either be set to horizontal or to vertical. This attribute decides which of the two player themes gets rendered.

  1. If set to horizontal the play button, progress bar, control elements and 'Podcast' button are aligned next to each other.

Horizontal Player View

  1. If set to vertical the control elements, progress bar and 'Podcast' button get rendered in multiple layers on top of each other. The vertical theme uses more space (height) and therefore provides additional elements like title and teaser, volume controls and a button to close the player.

Vertical Player View


The data-canonical attribute is the key to deliver the correct sound file for a corresponding article. In most of the cases you won't need to set it, as narando gets the article's URL automatically from the canonical link element. However, it can be necessary if...

  • the article splits into multiple pages (data-canonical must be the URL of the first article page)
  • the article displays multiple player elements (every player must have a unique URL for data-canonical; anchor tags are allowed)
  • there is no sound file yet and you want to test the implementation (please use
  • the article's URL will change over time and you already know it (e.g. "top of the month xyz" articles)


If set, this attribute can either be true or mobile. For the value true the player will always display on the lower edge of the screen and thus not disappear when scrolling. For mobile the player will also display on the bottom of the screen but only for small screens. If the attribute is not set at all, the player will always display inline.


The data-hide-element attribute can be an id of a certain html element, which you want to be hidden, in the case that there is no sound file for the currently displayed article. This can be quite useful e.g. if you automatically embed the player as well as a dedicated description regarding the audio content. For articles without audio the player and the additional html element will then not be displayed.


The narando-initial-view attribute handles which view is being displayed when the player loads. Please select one of the following options:

  1. The player view displays the actual audio player with play button, progress bar and control elements.

Player View

  1. The button view contains the "Play now" button as well as the duration of the audio file and if set the narrator image. Not until the play button is clicked the player (as in player view) is being displayed.

Button View

  1. The selection view extends the button view by adding a "Get podcast" button which -upon click - opens a new tab with the podcast landing-page (see below). If you do not select any view, this is the default.

Selection View


Each article that has been published with narando has meta data like the title, the author, or the publishing date. This meta data also contains the article's language. Based on that, the player displays itself either in English or German. If the articles language is neither English nor German, the player uses English as the fallback language. The language affects the button texts like "Get podcast" or "Listen now".


The landing-page gives all relevant information which would not fit into the player-widget. Here the user can find the links to your podcast channels and information about you (the publisher) as well as the narrator.

The landing-page is accessible either via the "Get podcast" button in the selection view or via the button at the right end of the player view.


The landing-page's overall look and color scheme is set and not configurable. The integrated player will use the following parameters as set in the player-widget.

name default type comment
data-fg-color e74c3c hex color code no #
data-bg-color ffffff hex color code no #
data-txt-color 000000 hex color code no #
data-fr-color cbcbcb hex color code no #
